


輪盤心理策略 一、期望值與機會

在輪盤遊戲中,每個下注選項都有一定的期望值,這是一個玩家可以預期在長期內贏得的平均金額。然而,期望值往往與實際結果有所不同,這是因為輪盤遊戲是一個純運氣的遊戲,結果無法預測。 這種不確定性和心理反應在玩家中常常引發期望值偏差。例如,一個玩家可能在連續贏得一些賭注後開始誤以為自己是一個幸運的玩家,而對期望值產生錯誤的理解。相反,另一個玩家可能在連續輸掉賭注後感到沮喪,認為他們是倒霉的,並且可能加大下注金額,希望追回損失。


在輪盤遊戲中,誤判效應是一個常見的心理現象。這指的是玩家對過去事件的觀察和評估,以做出未來決策。例如,如果一個玩家連續贏了幾次,他們可能會誤以為自己是一個幸運的玩家,並且相信他們會繼續贏得更多。相反,如果一個玩家連續輸了,他們可能會誤以為他們是倒霉的,並且相信他們注定會輸。 這種誤判效應可能導致玩家做出不理性的下注決策。他們可能會過度自信地下注,或者相反,變得過於謹慎。這些心理反應可能對他們的遊戲結果產生重大影響,並影響他們的長期贏利機會。

The illusion of control is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events. It was named by U.S. psychologist Ellen Langer and is thought to influence gambling behavior and belief in the paranormal.
Along with illusory superiority and optimism bias, the illusion of control is one of the positive illusions. The illusion of control is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events, for example, when someone feels a sense of control over outcomes that they demonstrably do not influence.


玩家的風險承受力和保守性也在輪盤遊戲中起著關鍵作用。一些玩家可能喜歡冒險,願意下注較大的金額,以追求更高的潛在獎金。其他玩家可能更加保守,選擇下注較小的金額,以減少損失的風險。 這種心理差異可以導致不同的下注行為。冒險的玩家可能更容易採用高風險高回報的下注策略,而保守的玩家可能更傾向於選擇低風險低回報的下注方式。這種差異在賭場中常常導致有趣的對決,並使遊戲更加多樣化。


輪盤遊戲中的心理反應和行為對遊戲結果具有重大影響。玩家的期望值偏差、誤判效應、風險承受力和保守性都可以影響他們的下注決策,進而影響他們在遊戲中的勝算機會。然而,這些心理影響不一定都是有益的。 為了更好地管理風險並提高勝算機會,玩家應試圖保持冷靜的頭腦,不受情感的左右。他們應該根據理性的下注策略,而不是基於過去的結果或情感反應來做出決策。此外,設定好自己的賭博預算是至關重要的,以確保在賭場中玩得開心,而不會過度投入。

The illusion is more common in familiar situations, and in situations where the person knows the desired outcome. Feedback that emphasizes success rather than failure can increase the effect, while feedback that emphasizes failure can decrease or reverse the effect. The illusion is weaker for depressed individuals and is stronger when individuals have an emotional need to control the outcome. The illusion is strengthened by stressful and competitive situations, including financial trading.

Although people are likely to overestimate their control when the situations are heavily chance-determined, they also tend to underestimate their control when they actually have it, which runs contrary to some theories of the illusion and its adaptiveness. People also showed a higher illusion of control when they were allowed to become familiar with a task through practice trials, make their choice before the event happens like with throwing dice, and when they can make their choice rather than have it made for them with the same odds. People are more likely to show control when they have more answers right at the beginning than at the end, even when the people had the same number of correct answers. (資料來源)



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